Research Has Begun!
It's too early to tell for sure, but preliminary data is starting to come out of southern Asia, and researchers are crunching the numbers. What they've found so far shows that there is a correlation between sufficient Vitamin D levels in the blood and COVID-19 outcome or severity. That just means it might it help people have a more mild case if they get it. (Vitamin D is already known to help the immune system, just remember that this virus is new and we don't know for sure, so keep checking in with the CDC for pandemic updates.)
Vitamin D Comes From the Sun, Right?
Vitamin D can be generated by the body through skin exposure to sun, however, most people are deficient. If you are young, live near the equator, and spend hours in the sun daily then you don't have to worry. Most of us should be taking a Vitamin D supplement.
I'll Just Get That From the Store
Sure, no problem, some Vitamin D is better than none. Just be aware that although it matters less what kind or quality of Vitamin C you get, these vitamins differ in solubility. Vitamin D is fat soluble, and can be best absorbed by the body with some other fat soluble vitamins like Vitamin K. You can always ask your provider for recommended brands. (Sorry, we don't sell it.)
Three Things to Remember
1) A higher quality vitamin can be formulated to absorb better (which could save you money in the long run - why take pill that don't work?)
2) It's never too late to start. Vitamin D deficiency is linked with MANY health problems including Multiple Sclerosis. If you're not taking some, start now. Just make sure to get regular physicals with your doctor to monitor the levels of vitamin D with blood tests.
3) We are NOT claiming any cure or immunity to COVID-19. We are interested in research and encourage you to support your immune system with vitamins, eating well, getting enough sleep, and regular exercise. The best way to handle the pandemic is to heed guidelines set by the CDC and your local health authority.
Photo by Tina Nord from Pexels
Photo by Maggie Zhan from Pexels
Photo by Jill Wellington from Pexels