Food and Over the Counter Products to Have on Hand In Case You Get Sick

Food and Over the Counter Products to Have on Hand In Case You Get Sick

There Is No Safe Season

Bacteria and Viruses travel in different ways, and although being outside can help avoid some viruses, being over-exposed to the elements can decrease the body's natural resistance.  Don't be afraid to wear some kind of scarf or to have a light jacket around at all times.  Keeping the body warm and away from direct wind and rain is very important, but it isn't difficult.

Epsilon Acupuncture protect the neck for wellness

Foods for Wellness

According to Chinese Dietetics chicken soup is actually a pretty good meal to have on hand, because it's usually a bit bland and fairly nutritious.  Other soups and broths are great to keep in the pantry too.  Vegetables are great for vegetarians, and ideal for carnivores who are sick too.  Eggs are also a great option because they are one single cell complete with all necessary amino acids so they are on the easy side to digest.

Bieler broth - This is a great recipe to make ahead of time and freeze, or make it when you're not feeling well and gently inhale the steam from the pot.

Epsilon Acupuncture broth when you're sick


Have some herbs around your home for cooking and teas.  Thyme is a great one because it has some anti-microbial properties and can support the lungs. 

Aromatics like thyme can be added to at home steam inhalation.

Ginger, mint, and chai spices are great for adding to your meals, broths, and for making tea.  Every culture has some aromatics like Chinese Five Spice, Curry blends, and pizza spices.  It's great to have some options on hand, and use what feels good when you're sick.  Remember that not all illness are the same, so what smells and tastes good one time might not agree with you the next time you're sick.  Listen to that - it's your body telling you what's needed.  A fully stocked pantry is the best plan.

What to Avoid

Epsilon Acupuncture avoid sugar when you're sick

Sugar.  Try to satisfy your carb cravings with toast and crackers.  This study suggests that immune system function may decrease after ingestion of simple carbohydrates, so it might be better to go with the more complex carbs when you're sick.

Greasy, fatty, fried foods.  As sugar takes a lot of energy for your spleen and pancreas to digest, fat takes a lot from the liver and gall bladder.  

Herbs, Vitamins, and Supplements

Since the Covid-19 outbreak we have become more aware of natural options for strengthening immunity.  Although some supplements are best sourced from your provider, there are many over the counter options. Always ask your provider about recommended doseages, and watch how much sugar is in the product. 

Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and immune system blends are usually a pretty good idea.  Just remember to ask your provider if you have any questions, and to actually take the thing - supplements don't do you much good in the bottle, so make a daily habit of wellness.  

Epsilon Acupuncture herbs for health

Our Stock

Read our extensive product descriptions to find what's best for you, or contact us for support.  It is always best to consult your physician or alternative care provider, and to seek urgent care when appropriate.  Customized formulas always yield the best results, but the common medicine cabinet staples we stock can be helpful - espicially for the first few hours after you're not feeling well.

To have on hand for the first signs of illness, try Gan Mao Ling or Yin Chiao San.

For cold and flu with alternating fever and chills with a headache, try Xiao Chai Hu Tang.

For essental oil support, consider Immune Stim or Vir-Away.

Herbal cough drops with herbs that may support recovery.


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