
Senior Dogs: Appreciation and Care

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Senior Dogs: Appreciation and Care

Senior dogs can require more care eventually, but it's common to have some healthy time as they age.  Here's a few things to look for that are normal, or signs to see a vet.  Yearly vet exams are recommended for dogs of all ages. Normal Changes Like us, the senses can decline with age.  Older dogs might not see, hear, or smell like they used to.  Respond to these changes with compassion.  Gently touch a dog that's having a hard time hearing you calling them, or make sure you can see each other. (Don't get frustrated and punish hearing loss.) ...

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Antioxidants for Dogs

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Antioxidants for Dogs

Quality Pet Food High quality pet food often comes with added vitamins and minerals that can support a healthy life for your canine companion.  Often they are tailored to life stages as well, because puppies, adult dogs, and senior dogs all have different nutritional needs.  Make sure to get food with enough crude protein, and some added fruits and vegetables.   Some of these nutrients, called antioxidants, are also known for their ability to reduce oxidization in the body, which has many health benefits including some anti-cancer properties.   Whole Food Additions There are some "people foods" that are good for dogs.  You can...

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Seasonal Health Tips (Easter/Passover)

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Seasonal Health Tips (Easter/Passover)

Traveling and Digestion According to the principles of Chinese Medicine, traveling and eating both fall within the element of Earth.  Often when when we travel we eat different foods at different times, which can change how we digest and eliminate.  Holidays can also change our eating routine, and sometimes we have larger meals.   More About Earth Modern society leaves most of us deficient in the Earth department, as the Standard American Diet is difficult to digest at best.  Cold or raw foods like smoothies and salads are the healthy alternatives, but they can also tax our digestive organs.   Managing stress, getting...

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Cancer in Dogs: Early Signs and Breeds as Risk

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Cancer in Dogs: Early Signs and Breeds as Risk

Cancer in Dogs As in humans and many animals, cancer is possible for your canine companion.  It starts with cell development going wrong, and often a healthy immune system can detect and eliminate these cells right away.  Make sure to feed your pup a healthy diet, always offer clean water, make sure they can get regular exercise, and ask your vet about supplements that can help.  Some veterinary companies offer over the counter supplements for general wellness, and mushroom complexes can be a good place to start. What to Watch For As with humans, unexplained weight loss is always something to get checked...

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Monday is National Respect Your Cat Day

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Monday is National Respect Your Cat Day

Celebrating Cat Day We couldn't report on National Puppy Day and then skip this one!  How do you respect your cat?  According to the National Day Calendar, 81% of American cat owners pay respect by petting, 78% by verbal praise, 65% give treats, 62% pick up or hold them, and 16% give their cats gifts. People Really Love their Cats According to the same site, people have been keeping cats as pets for a very long time.  The oldest remains of a cat buried with a person date back 9,500 years in Cypress.  Today there are over 2 million cat...

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